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Colorado IMPACT Initiative

Improving Interactions for People with Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders and First Responders

PLCT will be delivering over 300 IWD (Interacting with people With Disabilities) trainings for first responders and over 150 2-hour presentations for people with disabilities and their loved ones throughout the state to improve interactions between first responders and people with disabilities and mental health disorders.
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About the Colorado IMPACT Initiative
Grant Funded Training for First Responders and People with Disabilities and Mental Health Disorders and their Loved Ones

The ​Colorado IMPACT Initiative (Improving Mental health and disability Police interactions and Awareness through Comprehensive Training) ​by Pulse Line Collaborative Training (PLCT) is being funded by a generous grant from the Colorado FINES Committee.  The IMPACT Initiative will provide state-wide trainings and resources for law enforcement, first responders, caregivers, and people with mental health disorders and disabilities. The goals of these trainings are to decrease the Colorado Competency Wait List by reducing and ultimately abolishing unwarranted physical use of force incidents and reducing the number of people with mental health disorders and disabilities being arrested and imprisoned.

By providing training to first responders focused on the recognition of characteristics of people with mental health disorders and disabilities and providing effective communication tools to avoid escalation and de-escalate, as well as providing tools for people with mental health disorders and disabilities (MHD/D) to enable them to self-advocate or advocate for their loved ones with first responders, we will reduce the rate of arrest and/or incarceration for people with mental health disorders and disabilities for crimes such as resisting arrest, assault on a peace officer, obstruction, etc.  

This unique curriculum truly represents BOTH perspectives of people with MHD/D and law enforcement.  The dynamic curriculum includes scenarios, interactive exercises, case reviews, and lectures.  The training also incorporates video interviews with individuals with various MHD/Ds (bi-polar disorder, blind, deaf and hearing impaired, schizophrenia, physically disabled, intellectually disabled, developmentally disabled, autistic) discussing their personal experiences with first responders and other professionals; allowing people with disabilities to speak for themselves and to help teach professionals and first responders what MHD/D may look and sound like.  IWD provides concrete tools for first responders to help them identify MHD/D characteristics as well as communication tools for first responders to utilize with individuals with MHD/D.  Not only does the curriculum cover de-escalation techniques, but it also offers “anti-escalation” tools that officers can use to avoid going “hands on” and using physical force or restraint.

Individuals living with MHD/D and their loved ones must also be involved in the solution to truly address the complex issues between law enforcement and individuals with MHD/D. PLCT will also be delivering 2-hour presentations for people with MHD/D and their loved ones to empower individuals to effectively communicate with dispatch and law enforcement officers.  In these crisis situations, people don’t always know or remember what pertinent information is needed for law enforcement officers to understand how to approach or interact with them or their loved ones.  IWD provides and teaches people to use a script if and when they have to call for help.  The script focuses on the fact that the call involves a person with an MHD/D and gives officers information as to what to expect and how to help.  This will help law enforcement officers to understand that the individual they are responding to may appear non-compliant or belligerent due to MHD/D and not because of ill intent.

Because of the funding from the Colorado FINES Committee, the following will be delivered free of cost to participants:

  • Approximately 310 8-hour law enforcement training sessions throughout the state of Colorado to include materials and resource information. Area Fire and EMS personnel will be invited to attend these classes as well.

  • Approximately 152 2-hour presentations for people with MHD/D and their loved ones throughout the state of Colorado to include materials and resource information.